This is a very sad story, but it is also true. I’ve endeavored to be as accurate and
objective as possible.
It is a story I never could have imagined would happen. I hope it is educational, and most of all, I
hope it spurs and encourages holiness in your life, in my life, and in the body of
Christ. (Certain details are being left
out, for reasons that will become rather obvious, but it doesn’t affect the heart
of the story or the lessons to be learned.)
A fellow church member had posted a short blurb lauding and
linking to HBO’s infamous and popular series called “Game of Thrones”. It was
grievous to see.
I didn’t know a lot about the show, but it makes the news
often enough that I knew that it was filthy and entirely inappropriate for someone naming the name of Christ. Why?
Because the Bible says so.
I did this, however imperfectly, in person, very gently,
mainly asking questions if this person really thought it an appropriate show to
watch. The conversation was cordial, and
it ended with my thinking that it might spur some evaluation by the person, and
I said I’d ask about it again at a later time.
I had hoped there would be realization that it was not something
acceptable to Christ.
I tried several times to follow-up, but because of various
circumstances (and partly fear on my part), the second conversation did not
take place, and looking back, I don’t think the second conversation would have
taken place in any meaningful way. So I
wrote an email. I believe it was
gracious and loving, and gave biblical reasons why watching such garbage is sinful, and I called for repentance.
Let’s just say it wasn’t well-received, to my sorrow. The response was cordial, and assumed right
motives on my part, but I was told that what I did was wrong, that “Christian
liberty” allowed such viewing, and that in multiple discussions with the
pastor, he was told that beer and smoking and R-rated movies are "not
expressly prohibited and within the realm of an individual Christian's
choice". (Whether or not that is an
accurate representation of those meetings, I do not know, but that was the
claim.) His response to me also said that
nothing sinful had taken place, and – get this – that there wouldn’t be any
more discussion of the matter. (By the
way, that last part was almost more disturbing than the issue itself.)
So what’s supposed to happen next, according to God’s Word? Matthew 18:16 says “But if he does not listen
to you, take one or two more with you, so that BY THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE
In my opinion, that step of the process does not necessarily require
elder oversight. However, in some or
most circumstances, including this situation, I decided to get one or two
elders to follow through on it with me.
I emailed them, describing the situation but NOT giving the
person’s name or the particular TV show in question, and asking for direction -- not IF it needed to be done, but the best way of doing it, and getting one or
two of them to go with me, as commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ.
During the next 12 days, I was told a couple of times that
they were working on it. I became rather
concerned, as it wasn’t that complicated and shouldn’t take that long. I finally met with one in person, and had a
good conversation, except that the bottom line was shocking and disturbing,
namely, that they had all agreed it was
not a church discipline situation.
None of them watched the show, and none of them wanted to, but they
researched it, and certainly didn’t recommend the show, but they had agreed
that it didn’t warrant church discipline.
So that you’re aware, this is a conservative,
Bible-believing, gospel-preaching church (reformed and credo-baptist), one that
subscribes to the “9 Marks of a Healthy Church” (#7 of which is church
discipline). It is a church with many excellent and commendable attributes, and I would rate the theological education of the congregation as WAY
above average.
I was dumbfounded. Flabbergasted. This wasn’t a difficult issue to
discern. It was really a
no-brainer. An easy decision. After all, what Bible-believing church says
that pornographic material isn’t a sin issue?
Being quite disturbed about this whole situation, I decided
to ask four men – inside and outside of this church – men that I respect and
trust – for advice. I did NOT give
names, but carefully and accurately described the situation, and all four, like
me, were concerned that such wickedness would be tolerated in the church.
I was advised to make sure there wasn’t some type of miscommunication, so I described (again) the content in Game of Thrones to the
elders, asking if there was some misunderstanding. The response was brief and clear: yes, they understand the contents of the show,
but that it was not a church discipline issue.
I didn’t want to react, or to act rashly, so I ended up
taking a Sunday away (we went to church elsewhere), though I didn’t see any
other resolution except leaving the church.
Let me pause for a bit, and make some comments, before I get
to the conclusion of the story.
Since when did it become OK for a Christian to watch
pornographic shows/movies? (Answer: it hasn’t.) Kevin DeYoung says there shouldn't even be a hint of that in our lives.
I’ve been trying to figure out the theological underpinnings of what causes a Christian to watch such
filth – as well as what makes a church fail to deal with such blatant and
obvious sin. Here are some possibilities
– note I said possibilities – I am in
no way accusing any one person of any of these things, because I don’t know
what the root of this specific situation is – so these are just some
possibilities for situations like this:
- Antinomianism – lawlessness, against the law – the cry of “we’re not under law” is sometimes misused (horribly) to justify that which God’s law truly does prohibit. This is a growing problem in our day, and was addressed very well by Jerry Wragg at Shepherds’ Conference 2014 (mp3).
- A gross misunderstanding of Christian liberty – yes, we do have liberty, but not liberty to sin. Watching smut and calling it “liberty” is a gargantuan distortion of true biblical liberty.
- A misunderstanding of sin itself – what constitutes sin, and maybe even a mentality that says “The Bible doesn’t talk about TV shows, so anything goes”, which is really a denial of the sufficiency of Scripture.
- A “YRR” (young, restless, and reformed) attitude where some younger Calvinists join the culture supposedly to win the culture, which sometimes includes bars, drinking, watching nasty stuff, and just a general worldliness. It can include any or all of the 3 points mentioned above.
- Simply, a love of sin. Specifically, that is a church-going person that isn’t regenerate, isn’t saved, doesn’t know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, which, very sadly, is extremely common in our day (Matt. 7:21-23). He loves sin, and makes excuses for it, or calls it “not sin”.
- It can be tempting for church leaders to show favoritism. This would make them “respecters of persons” (James 2:1-4). Perhaps the offender is a good friend, or a big $$$ giver, or has sway in the church. Maybe his kid might marry an elder’s kid. Maybe he knows things, that if brought out, would bring harm to the church. Whatever the cause, some church leaders wouldn’t pursue certain individuals because of who they are. That is, of course, both shameful and sinful.
- Some churches don’t understand church discipline, or what I tend to call “Christian restoration”. They think it is a dirty chore to be avoided, instead of seeing it as the gospel in action. They think of it as mean, when in fact it is very loving. Some so-called churches don’t practice discipline at all, which is a gross error and clear disobedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Sometimes church leaders are afraid others will leave the church, thinking “if so-and-so is disciplined, then others will walk out the door”. It is true that it could happen. (I’ve seen it happen in a big way.) But if the discipline is right, then we must do it, and the consequences are up to the Lord.
If you don’t watch
it, but know of professed believers that do, then you must take
action. You must. Lovingly and graciously ask about it, expose
the evil for what it is, get the person to stop because it dishonors Christ,
and if that doesn’t work, take 1 or 2 with you, because that is what has been commanded by our great God and Savior, our
Master, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Back to the very sad story, I emailed the elders again, with about 20 Scripture passages (very similar to this post), asking them to change their minds.
It was with grief that I received the response, namely, that
they had not changed their minds.
In other words – in my view – even though Game of Thrones is porn and sinful, they’re not going to love the person(s)
enough to do what Jesus has said we must do in confronting sin. That is an egregious error.
My analysis of the
results of that is this:
- The offender would be left in his sin.
- The purity of the church would be infected by someone who not only watches it, but says that watching such rubbish is within the bounds of liberty. The damage is compounded since the person(s) involved remains in some sort of leadership position.
- The name of Christ would be dishonored, by allowing such sin, and by not heeding His commands on how to deal with it (Matt. 18).
I don’t
believe a person should leave a church easily or quickly, unless there is outright
heresy. But there are times when it is
right to leave.
When should a person leave a church?
A very short but very helpful blog post makes it plain: ...there
are times when it becomes necessary to leave a church for the sake of one's
own conscience, or out of a duty to obey God rather than men. When is that?
When discipline is obviously
needed but not practiced, and when unholy living is tolerated in the church, then
it’s time to go. That precisely
describes the situation I was in.
The morning after receiving the “final answer” – now several
weeks ago as I write this – I emailed my resignation (as a deacon, and as a
member) to the elders. I’m very saddened
and exceedingly disappointed. If I had
been an elder, I would have left. If I
had been a vocational (paid) elder (pastor), I would have left. It is a hill I’ll stand on, without
apology. It is a hill that, if
necessary, I would die on.
Don’t misunderstand – this isn’t a forgiveness issue. I’m happy to embrace the man who has seen
inappropriate things, but hates the sin, fights temptation, has repented, and
strives to walk the straight and narrow.
With that man I gladly walk together as a fellow pilgrim and forgiven sinner.
In reality, this isn’t even a porn issue – it could have been any sin. But when blatant and obvious sin is called
“not sin”, and isn’t dealt with biblically, and excuses are made and Scripture
set aside, then that’s simply unacceptable.
There are many wonderful, dear saints at the church. I will still love them, and count them as
dear brethren. I hope the best for them,
individually, and as a church body. I
have no animosity toward them.
My prayer is that a great work will be done there, including
a recognition of obvious sin, doing what Jesus has commanded regarding it,
loving people enough to call them to specific repentance, and an increased
measure of holiness and purity – all that Christ may be duly honored and
obeyed and worshipped.
[2017 update:
Kevin DeYoung at TGC rightly states how he doesn't understand how Christians could watch such junk, and then a few weeks later answers common excuses/objections.]
Lessons for me:
[2017 update:
Kevin DeYoung at TGC rightly states how he doesn't understand how Christians could watch such junk, and then a few weeks later answers common excuses/objections.]
Lessons for me:
- a reminder of the odiousness of my own sin
- an evaluation of TV shows that I might watch (obviously nothing like GoT, but it is good to evaluate periodically)
- a renewed commitment to biblical standards and holiness
- now I know to ask any potential church about their views on media & holiness, and how Christian liberty applies
- thankful for discussion (and future chats) about this topic with my kids
- thankful that the Lord has helped me in taking a difficult stand and doing what is right in a difficult matter
- saddened that sound doctrine did not result in holy standards and holy living in this instance
ReplyDeleteHave you found a new local bible-believing church which shares your concerns/beliefs/feelings?
Working on it... and yes, I think so -- the drive is a bit further than I'd prefer, but sometimes that is needed.
DeleteWWUTT addressed this issue very well: