One of the most neglected commands in the New Testament is church discipline (or “Christian restoration”). Jesus taught this for the purity of the church body and for the good of each individual. We don’t let a member wander off in sin – we love him enough to go to him and try to bring him back. Correction in the Christian life is a good thing. Church discipline includes all 4 steps (Matt. 18), and only rarely ever makes it to the 4th step – but when necessary, we must be committed to follow the Lord’s command in that area, because it is the loving and right thing to do, just as Jesus said.
My point with this little blog entry isn't to describe it fully (which would take a book), or even to make an apologetic for practicing it. Rather, it is to link to some resources on this important subject.
Links / helpful resources about church discipline:
From GTY:
we, as church
members, have responsibilities as related to church discipline:
“Too many Christians
regard discipline as the exclusive domain of church elders, but that is simply
not the case. The purity of the church
is every Christian’s concern. The responsibility to confront sin that
defiles the church lies with the first person to become aware of the sin. Don’t
defer it to someone else. Don’t spread the circle of knowledge further than
necessary. Furthermore, prayer for the sinning brother should never be used as
an alternative to obeying Christ’s clear command to confront.”
“If you observe a
Christian brother in a morally compromising situation, you should confront him.”
“Church discipline is the necessary response to any offense that cannot be safely overlooked without
harm to the offender or to the body of Christ.”
Also GTY, when
should church discipline be used, and what happens when it isn’t?
o “Second, biblical discipline is not about
micromanaging people’s lives. The kind of offenses that require confrontation
and biblical discipline are not unintentional transgressions, petty annoyances,
or matters of simple preference. They are serious violations of clear biblical
principles—sins that hurt other believers, destroy the unity of the flock, and
sully the purity of the church. In such cases, sin must be dealt with. Such sins cannot be
covered up. They are like leaven, and left alone their evil effects will
eventually permeate the whole church (1 Corinthians 5:6).”
o “The permissiveness that results when
discipline is neglected inevitably leads to chaos. This is as true in the
church as it is in a family. No adult enjoys being around children who are
never disciplined. In the same way, a church that is lax on dealing with sin in
the body ultimately becomes intolerable to all but the most immature believers.
Failing to practice church discipline
therefore ensures that the flock will be spiritually stunted. It is also a sure
way to incur God’s displeasure (Revelation
2:14, 20).”
o “Jesus’ instructions about church
discipline in Matthew 18 are clear and unequivocal. This issue is therefore a
good test of whether a church is serious about obedience to Christ. People
often ask me what to look for in a church. Consistent, proper discipline is
near the top of my list. One thing is certain: A church that does not discipline sinning members is going to have
perpetual and serious problems.”
From GTY again, the Grace
Community Church “distinctives” on church discipline
From Pure Life Ministries – church discipline
and porn (by someone on the receiving end)
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