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Monday, October 5, 2015

resources dealing with porn

It's a nasty subject.  But it is a very real (and huge) problem in our day.  It affects the church more than what we might care to think.

Looking at porn is sinful.  Watching it is sinful, whether regular old internet porn, or movies that have porn, or TV shows (like Game of Thrones) that have porn in them.

Thanks be to Christ, though, it isn't unforgivable.  If you've indulged, I urge you, repent.  See the sinfulness of sin.  Make use of some of these resources.  Do whatever it takes!

Links / helpful resources about pornography:
(Disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse everything written by each of the writers or everything on the web sites listed.)
·         Tim Challies’ wife’s plea to men to turn away from filth like this – really good short article
·         Apparently David Platt thinks the church should actually battle porn
·         GTY article on what Christian liberty is and isn’t
·         A quote from one of Dr. MacArthur’s sermons:
o   “You see, when people fall into traps of sin, either despair, discouragement, depression, fornication, adultery, pornography, you name it, the healing community is the church.  And the brethren who are spiritual have the responsibility to deal with people.  That's the only way the Bible knows to deal with those kinds of issues.”
·         Another of Dr. MacArthur’s sermons makes it clear his stance on a church allowing such immorality:
o   “In spite of all of this information and in spite of all of what they knew by the witness of the Holy Spirit in their lives, certainly a convicting enough agency, they continued to allow immorality in the church. And the fact that they had had a low style of life before they became Christians and that their life was so saturated with sexual immorality became a problem because they couldn't seem to shed that lifestyle once they became believers. And so they were very lax in dealing with this problem. And yet if the church was to be pure, they had to say goodbye to immorality. In I Corinthians 6:18 Paul puts it very simply. He says "Flee fornication." The word is porneia from which we get pornography and it means immorality. Run from immorality. Have absolutely nothing to do with immorality. He said to Timothy in I Timothy 5:22, Timothy, "keep thyself pure." It is basic to any kind of effectiveness in the ministry of Christ and the church of Christ that there be moral purity.”
·         No Compromise Radio – 3-minute segment on porn, and what you should do
·         Reaping the Whirlwind of Sexual Idolatry – short article by brother Denny Burk
·         Kevin DeYoung offers 15 ways to fight lust, including the topic of porn
·         Spec Faith attempts to persuade readers to avoid Game of Thrones because it is porn
·         This link is a 3-minute video interview with a big-time user of porn, who became very infamous – and what he now thinks of it
·         Matt Walsh makes a case against watching "Game of Thrones", and so do I
·         Consider a women’s perspective on “women & porn” – at least read the few paragraphs starting with “Even if the actual crime…”, which talks specifically about “50 Shades” though it applies to things like GoT
·         The dangers of porn in your marriage – and yes, they are real dangers

Books that are helpful:
·         Slaying the Dragon, by David Powlison
·         The Purity Principle, by Randy Alcorn
·         Delivered by Desire, by Daryl Wingerd (hardcopy here)
·         Finally Free, by Heath Lambert
·         Sexual Detox, by Tim Challies
·         Sex is Not the Problem (Lust Is), by Joshua Harris
·         Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave, by Edward Welch
·         Women Counseling Women, by Elyse Fitzpatrick (chapter 22 is on women & porn)
·         The Way of Purity, by Mike Cleveland
·         More books on the topic, as recommend by Tim Challies
·         AUDIO download: Slaying the Dragon and Finally Free, by Todd Friel

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