A Prayer for a Nation
Alas, O LORD, the great and awesome God,
We confess, and do admit, that we have sinned against
not just in
little things, but in great things,
and we deserve
Thy judgment.
As a nation, we have turned aside from Thy holy ways.
We have taken Thy most precious blessings,
and ripped them
from the sacred place,
and brutally
murdered them in the name
of false gods
named “choice” and “money”,
and our judges
have called it “right”.
Our land is stained with bloodguiltiness, O God;
surely, the
blood of the innocent must cry out to Thee.
And yet those who deserve punishment,
those who steal
and rape and murder,
violent men who
care not for others, but only love themselves,
they, O LORD,
are set free, or punished lightly.
The guilty have more rights than the innocent,
and justice
comes out perverted.
We have mismanaged Caesar’s coin, Lord God,
spending what we
have not,
lusting after
the things of the world,
ignoring Thy
principles for financial wisdom.
In our foolishness, we have created an unpayable debt,
and burdened the
backs of our children, and their children.
Shame belongs to our nation, O Most High,
for we have
squandered Thy great blessings.
Our nation, O God, has also promoted wickedness,
that which is evil
in Thy sight.
The sacredness of the marriage bed is thought laughable.
All types of immorality are not only tolerated,
but joked about,
and even
That which is most utterly shameful and vile is promoted
as normal,
and Thy people
are berated and even threatened for calling it sin.
Surely we deserve fire from heaven like Sodom,
and destruction
like Gomorrah.
We have called evil good, and good evil;
we have substituted
darkness for light, and light for darkness.
We are a people who constantly profane Thy holy name,
and who have
unclean lips,
speaking forth
that which comes from unclean hearts.
In your wrath, O LORD, remember mercy.
It is not just our national sins that make us deserve Thy judgment, O God,
but our personal
ones as well.
We have idolized the blessings of this world,
delighting in
things, instead of delighting in the Son.
We have served the god of money in place of Thee,
being rich in
things, but poor in soul.
We have gloried in digital electronics instead of divine
in technology
instead of obedience,
and focused on
outward appearance instead of the inward man.
We have entertained ourselves nearly to death,
and have neglected
Thy Holy Bible.
Our phones have become idols,
our social
interaction is on flat screens,
and true
Christian fellowship is increasingly rare.
Even our sacred assemblies are no longer holy.
The gathering of the saints to worship has descended to
new lows.
They are geared
to coddle the lost, instead of to convict the lost,
to diminish
the fear of God, instead of promote the fear of God.
The music is
entertainment, sometimes sensual, often trite.
Worship no
longer emphasizes prayer,
and Thy Word is barely even read.
The preaching is
insipid, full of self-help,
tame, weak,
and does not
point men to Christ and His glorious work.
Send us men, O LORD, courageous men, godly men,
men like the
prophets of old, who thundered,
not words of
their own vain imaginations,
but the Word
of the living God,
not the
foolish wisdom of the world,
but the
perfect wisdom from above,
not pious
but “thus
saith the LORD”!
Give us, O Most
High, intrepid men who proclaim
the timeless
truths of Thy Word,
the whole
counsel of God,
the offense
of the cross,
the warnings
of judgment and hell,
Thy Law and
Thy Gospel,
both sin and
the beauty
and majesty of Christ,
and the “Solas”
of the Reformers.
Give us men who
are willing to stand, even unto death,
for the
Christ they love and boldly proclaim,
even as men of old have stood and died for
Give us true
shepherds, O Christ,
who will feed
Thy sheep with true food,
and lead them
in the paths of righteousness.
Raise up
evangelists, O Holy Spirit,
who will go
where others will not:
to the
faraway nations,
and to our
own streets and highways and hedges,
that the lost
may be compelled to come
to the
marriage supper of the Lamb.
Incline your ear and hear our prayer, O Great God.
We are wretched, weak, and needy.
Give us not what we deserve, O Sovereign King,
but according to your great mercy,
and the love
with which you have loved us,
set our minds on
heavenly things, where Christ is,
and our
affections on the Saviour.
Grant repentance and faith unto salvation;
give life to
those who are dead in their transgressions;
bring revival
and reformation to this wayward and sinful people.
For the glory of Thy Son,
and for the eternal
good of the elect,
we humbly pray.
David J. Dunbar
November 6, 2012 (election
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